On Nov. 8th 2018 a distinguished group of place managers gathered at Georgetown’s SCS Campus to present and share their insights. These short-form presentations explored a diversity of place management organizations and emerging practices across metropolitan Washington.
Mount Vernon Triangle has grown into a diverse residential and commercial destination that is both an integral part of downtown as well as a neighborhood with its own distinct and emerging identity.
-Kenyatta Robinson, Executive Director, Mt. Vernon Triangle CID
The Tysons Partnership is a dynamic collaborative of large employers, property owners, Fairfax County, and businesses with a vested interest to work together to accelerate the transformation of Tysons into a 24/7 live, work, play destination.
-Meghan Trossen, Director of Program and Partnerships, Tysons Partnership
The mission of our organization is to improve the quality of life for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors by working together on projects and issues that will maintain and preserve COMMUNITY. By supporting economic opportunities for businesses and residents of Congress Heights, we can enhance the physical image of the area, and instill a sense of neighborhood pride and commitment.
-Monica Ray, President, Congress Heights Community Training and Development Corporation
We can no longer be a university in a bubble hidden behind the brick wall. We’re part of the fabric of the surrounding community. Changing the way we think about that was really, really important.
-Ken Ulman, President, Terrapin Development Company
Our community offers a prestigious location for innovative companies seeking a powerful vantage point, a diverse neighborhood for active individuals and a destination for those seeking a unique social or cultural experience.
-Mary-Claire Burick, President, Rosslyn BID
Downtown Frederick is where history meets martini bars, where shop owners really do know your name, where high tech mingles with old school and where you can always find the perfect plate to satisfy your hunger.
-Danielle Doll, Associate Director, Downtown Frederick Partnership
Founded in 1997, the Golden Triangle BID encourages economic development through capital improvement projects, a variety of engaging events, and public art projects. The BID also strives to increase quality of life through public safety and maintenance services.
-Leona Agouridis, Executive Director, Golden Triangle BID